Saturday, September 10, 2011

Part 6.Melancholy Reaper



Part 6:Melancholy Reaper

31 July 2011



Part 6.Melancholy Reaper


He wished ..just wished her one more time  just once more she say say when clock tick 18.30 she giggling and say "now that u are all mine .." he knew she never can .




Once she reached the hospital , she just don't get any time to think anything. Some bikers got admitted after some silly accident. Its usual in that place rock climbers, bikers , tourists it's a beautiful hill station with full of life for visitors , the people living there just another day.


And Athuls Jokes , Arman and Riddimas Rootna Manana sessions , she got busy carried away with her duties .And she really loved that and just wished it never end and she don't need to go back to the farm house


After her work , on her way back he herself dragged to church gathering all the sins she committed to submit before him , she stooped down tears flowing non stop silently crying her heart out near altar , in solitude.




The boy was carrying girl in his arms , she was hitting him asking him to let her go..still enjoying his every naughtiness .He laid in her in last bunch , rubbing his arousal against her


"Arman , koi dekh lenga she chuckled ."when his fingers tried to cross the barriers .


"last2  years none was here at this hour and now , ha ..he is there " just saying and simply turning his head towards altar indicating god's presence.


Then he saw a girl lying, her curly hair all scattered around , he only know one girl who look like a mess like that . He left Riddima and shouted "Geet "


 Geet was not at all in a state to understand what happens around here .


She just woke up from her thought when Arman waked her hand ."Oyee Idar Kya ..kar rahee ..hi ..khoyee khoyee , kahee sister(Nun) ban ne kya irada tho nahee .."Geet shocked to her death , his words hit her like thunder.But she quickly regained herself ..tried to smile ..,understood everything smiled ..and sked Riddima .


" Dr shashank duty finish at 3 na ..what will you tell him for  being late ," she naughtily asked , just don't want to answer Arman since she herself don't know the answer of her being there after 5 years. Riddima answered "No Papa will reach at 6 only , some patients he visit on his way back and  u know social service .."


Geet smiled.Turning to Arman she asked angrily waking him back "And why you are here , to become Father and Mother '" bye that said she know Armans reaction "Geet their tho ." before he could catch her she giggled and Ran away holding her tears sighing .




And Maan all day as always thinking ,thinking only . Today he felt really helpless never felt like this , just he wished he able to blink at least his eyes and tell her how much he feels for her 'He was worried about her , how much he want her to be his .. And he only hers ..




Flash Back:


Maan Singh Khurana At the very young age of 19 took over charge of Khurana Empire, after his father Dharmnath's death  , In Uk .Its so big so widely spread  don't ask what they are not in to. From food products to construction ,From luxury cars to children's toys. His father was sick for long , and he made such arrangements while laying in bed itself his Empire can be run so successfully, without a boss around themattending everyday  ,thanks to the loyal employees and their super service .So when he died for Maan still in college it was a cake walk.




The one mistake ,  of his past spoiled youth and mistake in decision making of Dharmnath khuranas life lead all the complications .




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