Part 21.Candle in the storm
08 August 2011
And Maan all day as always thinking ,thinking only . Today he felt really helpless never felt like this , just he wished he able to blink at least his eyes and tell her how much he feels for her 'He was worried about her , how much he want her to be his .. And he only hers ..
He heard Dogs barking Jovially ..Yes Geet is home'''''.
.. She was not coming to his room even after 8, when she has washing she used to get late ..but today they both know the reason .He can sense she is moving restlessly in the next , dining-cum living room . There was a storm growling outside , and in their mind too..
Suddenly the light gone , Geet quickly took the emergency lamp and headed to Maan's room , She is very much scared of Dark , pitch black ..some unknown fear like the fear of her uncertain future haunted in her mind'''.
The orphanage and church always have their dim ,candle lights glooming ..but never Dark. Pitch dark
She placed the lamp in the dressing table , she stood there still turning her back '
She always cared Maan , she acted as if ,like she feared darkness Maan too cant stay in Dark and always made sure he has sufficient light in his room..or she cant stay alone when she scared she will just rush to Maan's room to sooth her fear in his presence. Whatever be the reason whenever light goes ,when they left alone she will be in his room only
The rain started 'The window beside Maan was open and rain drops managed to get inside started to wet his face 'shoulders chest ...

She was standing by the dressing table ,eroding her soul in pain, guilt and self hatred-ness
like a candle melting in storm trying to kindle shaking, and
She in her inner turmoil unable to gather herself , ..still melting pain '.
He cant see her berating herself like that .He just wanted to allay every pain out of her
Then they heard someone knocking '
At this hour? ''
She really got worried , but she is not fearing type.. She tried to lit the candle ..but the storm blown out the candle , she tried again but failed , the knock at outside just increased and she got daunted and in the muddle she took the Emergency Lamp and asked ,said..Maan
"just a minute , I will be back..."
She quickly went outside ..
Maan got scared , for her '. He tried to move himself 'to his Maximum extreme fear ..fear for her safety
First the yesterdays encounter ,and her being indifferent out of her self all day ..deserting him' not speaking a single word to him,,,,a single word '.and standing silent unlike her ... accusing herself was the most hurting him to the core above all his lethargic body which even cant offer her a consoling look .
.he got worried is the dogs unchained ..if they are then nothing to worry ..but if they not '
Who will be the one who ..knock at this hour '
Munshiji cant come here at this climate ..and
If it is Romeo or Kesar 'What are they doing this hour '..
Panic just devoured all his senses
He felt like his leg numb and when he tried to move the blood flowing '
Geet ,took her mobile in her kurtha pocket slowly went to kitchen and from there unchained Akru -Sura ..The dogs .. And shhhed them to be silent gave them their biscuit and made a strong face wiped the dried tears and went to open the door ' she is a very clever girl indeed. She took Arman's name from her contact book in cell , but kept it un dialed '.
She saw the person out side through the peep hole , frowned ,,,,the person drenched in Rain ' but she know him'well 'very well..indeed
"But what he is doing at this hour , here ,'. Or is he know I live here , if so how ?
Or he is just finding a shelter till the rain abate '
All types of thoughts ran in her mind ..
The person saw light coming through the door gap ,sensed her presence and knocked again '
She quickly opened the door '''..
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