Chapter 10: Meet The Parents : Part 1
18 August 2011
Thanks to @speechless helping me to choose Geets Parents
Meet The Iyers
17 August 2011
Long Long ago Once Upon a time ...there was ...
Shivanand Iyer Geet's father got married very young age of 18 to 13 year old Rajashree one of his relative's daughter .He was studying BSc Math at Madras Presidency College that time.
He soon found his soul mate in cute Rajashree who was a "dharmapathnee " indeed .
Shivanand promised himself that he wont get in to any physical closeness until Raji turns 18 and he kept his promise from the day one of his marriage and he maintained a distance.
.He soon found that his wife is illiterate she cant even write or read Tamil their mother tongue .So he started teaching her and she started to learn .alphabets. Within a year before she learned complete tamil alphabet set they had their first Child Dharma Dev Shivanand Iyer.
Shivanand scared and he stopped his teaching session and concentrated on his studies
After 4 years when he got first Rank in his Msc Math and job in Kanpur IIT as Math professor he again together with his wife ..Then he decided Rajashree need to know at least some Hindi to live there and tried to find time in his hectic schedule , and within a year Bheemraj Shivanand Iyer born..
After years when he understood he completely failed in teaching his wife Hindi, Tamil..he decide to teach English along with their son Bheem who started his schooling , English alphabets seems to be simpler .And they got their third son Arjun Shivanand Iyer.

He finally gave up the idea of making his wife literate. As he likes Tagore's work a lot he used to recite it for his lovely wife and explain then they got after 6 years their princess Geetanjali ..

Geet baby of the family , and she herself knows how precious she is .Well its only Rajashree remembers sometime she is a girl , a woman .For others, majority in the family she is either their cute Barbie dolly or little angel ,,which Geet jovially accepts and would like to practice
They are all raised very open and free ..for example ,when Dev goes out for shopping he will ask Geet , " Gudiya/dolly/baby/all her names but when they get angry then only they call them Geeta
Brothers or dad ;"Baby you want anything '"
Geet:" hmm 1 dairy milk , 2 milky bar and ..whisper ,, wings wala'."
And when Dev go out for a date with his long term Girlfriend ..Naintara '
Bheem will wink and ask "Bhayya ..u took everything ..right ??? And smiles "
They were very open and free , prof Shivanand always gave his children all type of "education " they needed at various stages of their lives in a very scientific approach
And Geet is only 14 , '' Even in certificates and in school she is 18 and studying 12th ..she only posess limited knowledge on certain things , as demanded by her age 14
But being her all other friends 17/18 range and their talk , all made her so confused that poor girl cant even frame a proper question to get an answer and she was confused with the changes in her own certain times ..and the effect of certain ..people ..not people exactly by a certain person..LOL
Character Sketch in different pages ..updated
1.Geets Brothers without them Torture Will not be complete
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