Chapter 33.An Italian Job
21 August 2011
An Italian free lance Journalist Amelia Fellini on her vacation at Tuscany ,learned about an amusing place called Angels Valley . It's a place in the village where most of the houses are built of the time its assumed the renaissance time, ..the house the farm perfect Middle age picture of eastern Europe .What attracted her is Its not the place or its architecture its about the people living there .Most of the people where around age 80-90, they were often called "crazy angels" rest of the town .. , enjoying their retired life waiting for their peaceful return ,still carrying the vibrant and colorful memories of their youth .and their unfulfilled anticipations, desires ,dreams with life ,along with the recollection of past experience now uncoordinated in their conscious mind , often come out as crazy illucinations and funny complaints.
They often call ,report local police station with amazing and funny stories , When the police ask the address and if its in Angels valley ,they will just leave the case laughing out loud thinking yet another crazy angels noble dream .
For example at noon 12 some man will call local police station and say just few minutes back he had seen an alien space ship landing in his backyard and it had a flag of moon and .My maid / care taker is sleeping now'so he is scared to go out of house alone in night so police should reach there as soon as possible.
Another time some complain about their kitty eloped with some indecent cat who tattooed Nazi emblems in its left palm .
Amelia not only got amused but interested .She thought of making a video on that funny things and she contacted local police station .
They had hundreds of such cases , one such she noticed was of an old women named Appolonia Vitelly .She requested , complained the local authorities that due to her old age she is finding it difficult to manage alone and her home - nurse is so arrogant that she forcefully feed her medicines , .She want to know from where she get a slave that too Indian like her neighbor and friend Michael Al Pacino got .
As a part of research for her documentary she visited many houses , one of which was the Vitelly mansion but found that she already died two years back ,she felt sad not able to meet that cute crazy angel. On her way back she thought of paying a visit at Sicily Mansion ,where the Mr.Pacino lives and get some grounds about the complaint she filed.
To her shock there was an Indian slave almost numb in reaction , he cant speak but he do cleaning and all other stuffs without even asking him to do it .
Mr.Pacino 86 lives alone .Will not go out usually beyond his compound even to Church.
His family doctor , his son's friend pay a visit every month . His musician son is so busy that he never paid a visit to his papa in last 8 years , but taking care of his father in maximum possible way he could through his doctor friend providing whatever things he might need time to time. .
She got confused with Mr.Pacinos explanation on how he got this slave , actually , Mr,Pacino said "How He captured the Red Indian slave "
One of his evening walk he found him trespassing his compound , according to Mr.Pacino he was trying to invade through the river flowing by his plot .He got a sword inside his walking stick and he "fighted" And he captured the outcast and when "It" beg for his life on his knees , he spared his life , but made his slave .
She was shocked. She understood the man , slave was some mentally retarded person and Mr.Pacino is actually innocent , he need medical attention for mental treatment.
Soon police arrived upon her request and under humanitarian ground considering his age and his ill mental health the sheriff decided to spare old man ,who was shouting that he will report this hypocrisy directly to Benito Mussolini .! He was shifted to old age home , as now they understood his need of an "extra" care.
The doctor too said , he never believed the old mans story and thought it as an Indian he got from the agency to do house work ,and the person do not understand Italian .
Maan was admitted to hospital for mentally retarded or have some psychological problem , Same time Amelia tried to find his whereabouts with his picture , within 1 hour she was shocked as she got the message that the man under police custody in hospital exactly look like Maan Singh Khurana a deceased UK Industrialist and one of the Most handsome Man of that time from the senior Journalist for whom she usually do researches.
And The press was hungry for some news as there was nothing else enthusiastic
Then Amruth Informed who was in India for some special Indian rituals and Prayers, But she was not ready to believe and consider it , until and the
next day when all News papers celebrated the news of a look a like Maan Singh Khurana , died cremated five years back ' , A mothers possible conspiracy to take over The business Empire , or demand of DNA test to be done to confirm the 'subject' is real Maan Singh Khurana'., Khurana History , ex- Babe and Now MILF pamela's beuty secrets , Devs hobby's , Savitri going to court against her daughter in law , khurana History Indian History ''..japanese and chinese and korean history ''''..uff what not ''the crazy press 'like always .
Maan's Mom ...

Amruth flew back to London, to handle the possible tension building in her empire and have the immediate meeting with board members . Same day even before she reach , the Italian Doctors officially contacted her Amruth informing its Maan himself as he was slowly regaining his conscious when he was asked things about him with her pictures and other incidents ,the story took nation wide interest by evening , and Amruth cant avoid she personally paid a visit and shocked , fainted to see Maan , and confirmed it by doing a DNA test.
After seeing his mother he was completely able to regain his memory . He talked her ,hugged ..mother son cuty sweety 'salty sentimental moments. The press conference Maan and Amruth ..
She not forgot to add the typical Indian dialogue with beautiful eyes filled with precious tears ..
"A Moms heart do not need a DNA test to confirm her son '" ,
Whole Khurana family ( the Khuranas and their employees ) rejoiced celebrated their 'Lion King Back "
Yes it is Maan ''
He explained things happened with him , that he was kidnapped by some Italian Mafia, they were planning something by sending an imposter in his place and the imposter did well until he met the unexpected accident , By their constant discussions with each other Maan able to understand ,now their trained imposter gone they decided to opt something else to have their plan succeed which Maan do not have a clue and decided to kill maan
All he could remember was ,hen he was able to free his arms and legs and tried to escape ,got hit behind his head fell in the river breaking glass window of the room he was tied
Then what he remember is docs treating him..the hospital ..
He don't even remember he ever heard name of Al Pacino
Docs explained because he opened his eyes in some different atmosphere totally different language and situation he was not able to return back his memory and in the years within him, inside healed completely and all he need is a spark , a key to his past 'and Amruths picture and Khurana tags did that well . .If he was admitted long before he can gain hi memory faster or even in an English speaking atmosphere could have brought him back easily , Any way Khuranas concluded Better Late than never
And they all left for London.
Now The maan Singh Khurana incarnated , the question arise who kidnapped him and why '
Well its dealt with Italian mafia ,and there are as many Italian mafia gangs are there in this world as villages in Italy , further no clue when no clue is there one gang prime go under suspicion . The best ,gang '..unbreakable , undisclosable ,,,, like a myth , never existed ''. the Corelenio family , the mafia gang .but again ' proof .no complaints ''nothing '..just '.. Vacuum '.and nothing can be done. Unofficially the case became closed ' even for press.
Next day Maan in press conference declared his reluctance to take his empire back as he know his mother is doing well and he wanted to go back India Join his Grand father ..and start something Over there. Well in the business world , Young Khurana funnily blamed as coward Khurana , but none dared to make fun of it , because it's the much expected reaction from any victim ever tackled or handled by the Corelenios ''.
And Maan ,as the BIG Maan Singh Khurana retuned to India to meet his grandfather Raja Jai Singh at Delhi.
All the trio get in to action .They are brilliant actually excellent in their respective works ,with a very manipulative logical attitude in lineage.
They each started their part with full confidence and unshaken hope '..that too just within two hours of the terrifying news .
Savitri was trying hard to understand her bahu .. Who is now busy in phone with somebody 'May be Raj ,her cousin and legal adviser
Who just 2 hours before fainted thinking about her son's future now making
a future for him'in a way none can imagine...

The lady brain who given Maan's death announcement proudly announced his re birth 'Yes she have full right to be proud of as her and her sons loophole less plan succeeded as expected .
And thanks to Nanaji Member of Parliament Jai Sing
HE with the help of Quatrotchi an Italian and , a Swiss arms company middleman above all a friend of the corrupted part of Raja jai Singh The MP was able to transport Maan from India to Italy and all those set up ...Each and everyone is paid well and all the loose ends lead to a dead end with Corelenio Mafia gang name , who themselves were also paid well just for using their name.
The circle and span of Mr.Qutrotchi is so big that he himself is in the wanted list of CBI since many years , is fleeing in and out India with his various illegal missions .
Again another set of Royal Malfeasance
The Corelenios is the name of A deadly mafia gang Don Vito Corleon as ther lead
Those who never seen or read The God father must see it.. Reading is I prefer movie ... ..its just beyond perfect '.no doubts '.
And the Corleon is a Mafia family name which we have seen in many different Indian versions like Tamil Movie Nayakan , Sarkar of Amitab Bachan ,I never seen so no idea , but it says something like ,,Friends I don't watch nowadays this type of 'action ' hindi films , and forgot what I watched earlier ...other than my dhoom machaley if anybody could help with better example please ...
wese tu me naraz hoon ap se......
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