Saturday, September 10, 2011

Chapter 11. Dolly Cuty


Part 11:Dolly Cuty

03 August 2011



Chapter 11. Dolly Cuty


Still in past maneet only ...



And one day evening she just barged in very angry unlike her making Maan curious 'She already shared him about that day , It was Riddimas birthday and Geet managed to take Riddima for an outing alone  from their vacation home  after seeking permission from Dr.Shashank for Arman .


She sat on his bed making a big face, looked at him ,as if complaining why you not asking.then she started ,"I hate riddima ", Maan felt a lump on in his heart." How cutely adorably he Arman tried to  celebrate , her birthday ...and she fighted with him again and spoiled everything  the best gift he has given a girl could ever get ..and    she she ..just thrown it '..and if it is me ,, you know'"she stopped as if she can read his thoughts " oh no no..i don't love that stupid .Arman . Even if he is worlds l,ast man , I don't want that stupid '."




and she leaned little closer to Maan soothing him , making warm. Maan felt relived , then he asked himself " why I am feeling like this why i am getting happy that she dont love Arman all...oh no i want her ' just wish she ran away with arman and ..Maan try to make him understand himself ..then his playful mind ...oh no Maan thank god she don't have a boy friends otherwise Drama queen will practice everyday romance with you ..and non stop chattering of her boy friend ...torture ..eek " (hmm so Geet speaking of another boy is torture ...bachoo )




"Its really cute gift , u know I never had  any gift in my life ''. Ya father always say my life itself is gift to me..and I started to hate word gift 'you know ..on his .Monthly  Preaching sessions in various villages .. FATHER will call me on stage ' and tell "BROTHERS SHE IS GEET ..FROM XYZ VILLAGE LOOK AT HER 'SHE IS STUDYING AT 123 CLASS  GOOD CLOTHES AND SHELTER 'look at her '.and all eyes at me'sometimes this father .. Oooh'.she continues like the father do preaching ..WHAT IF BROTHERS AND SISTERS  OF CHURCH DO NOT FIND HER ON HER WEDDING DAY WHEN SHE WAS 7.. WHAT SHE IS MARRIED AWAY AT HER AGE OF 7 ''NOW HER LIFE IS A GIFT ,FROM GOD ..she sighed ,


even though she stated in a funny manner Maan could read the grief  in those each and every word . He could imagine the pain she has went through as a teenager becoming every month a display piece of charity .He felt the pain and he cant just gulp the saliva formed in his throat, and remained in pain .By that time Maan had already understood that she is from some orphanage , she was victim of a child marriage and  how Rama Massy saved her ,a lot he heard it a hundred times  .He even knew her ex-husbands (Maan always had , put the Habit of thinking it as ex-//LOL) name is Kalanath .Because on her warrior Princess avatar she used to fight and ultimately kill the Kalanath villain.. . He just wanted to hug her and take her pain '. [ just to make her feel ok '. I don't want to hug her ..] he just wished he should change the topic , '.






"it is having golden hair and blue eyes ..u know and if we laid it it will close its eyes , blue eyes beautiful ..and That Riddima opened it and threw it .how could she 'just threw it .."Geet's eyes was about fill up feeling the pain , by now he understood the gift was doll. And he cant control his laugh on Geet's stupidity , How a girlfriend will tolerate if her boyfriend gifted her with a doll , meaning she is still baby to play with it , oh god who will put some brain in this stupid's head , he was laughing out loud in his heart seeing Geet's plight .. She sighed 'and then asked him




"And it will be really stupid to think of keeping a boyfriend to get gifts '" [Maan nodded smirking ]




(Dear guys Maan's actions happening in head ok I will put square brackets ... In front of Geet , he is just staring doll..hee hee ..i called him doll u will know soon..)'..




he next sentence banged Maan's head .."..if we keep boyfriend and he do not gifted you with doll will be a total waste uuff I cant think of it " ''.


[ Maan was pulling all his hair banging his head hard.].


Then Geet stood up making something in mind '.[maan sensed danger  ]




and made man lay on bed .and rubbed his eyes to close, he was wondering what she is up to , its not sleep time .. Then turned bed liver and put him in sitting position .. And opened his eyes '


Maan got what she is up to , he just wished at least his legs are ok that too for next 5 minutes so that he can just ran away from..


Geet " ..why I should get worried ' when I have such big cute .dolly cuty like u ..." [ eek cute . Cuty .madam through which angle .] dolly .[ I just want a knife to cut ... .. No to kill myself '.]  actually u don't look like dolly , she made a puppy face 'u look like a man .chee a macho type man ..she passed a disappointed look  [Maan Singh Khurana looks you don't like ..but she said I look ..Maan ..u do look like a Macho Man for her ..maan happy .. Not only for her Macho man comment but she is no more sad for not having a doll]




Geet " wait a minute don't worry 'touching his cheeks ..abhee teek kar dethi  hoom'" She started to unbutton his White Kurtha he is wearing...




Knowing her well by now , Maan scared to death.



still in past maneet only continues ...








    Maan got what she is up to , he just wished at least his legs are ok that too for next 5 minutes so that he can just ran away from..

    Geet " ..why I should get worried ' when I have such big cute .dolly cuty like u ..." [ eek cute . Cuty .madam through which angle .] dolly .[ I just want a knife to cut ... .. No to kill myself '.]

  2. Its awesome. Loved the update.


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