Sunday, March 25, 2012

Part 9 (Speechless)

Part 9:
dev took Maan with Him and told him all what Dadi wants him to do. Maan listened patiently but he didn't like this suggestion at all after seeing Geet. The way she presented her self like a bride for dev and ignored him. he was thinking about their meeting and the incident. he just refused simply saying he is not at all interested in all this marriage stuff

Dev was happy that his bro is not interested least he knew Maan lost himself to her in their very first meeting and that memory still hunted him. The innocence of her face, the depth of her eyes still lingered in his mind. he was still living in the past with her scent all over him... Dev tried to act smart and started again

DEV: bro please its Dadi's wish and doctor already advised to take care or onhien khush rakhien... This is the only happiness she wants. Bro don't u love dadi?
Maan: i love her more than my own self dev. but i just cant marry some random girl for anyone's sake
Dev: bro She is not a random girlAngry
dev was hurt listening rude comment about geet. Maan knotted his brow dev gulped n tried to cover
Dev: i mean she is selected by our dadi so she has some thing unique na. i liked the girl personally bro please say yes for engagement only after that we will find a Dhansu item for uWink
Maan: Dev behaveAngry what do you mean by engagement only??
Dev: u see bro.. if u will say yes dadi will be happy n she will be ok and we will have enough time after engagement to find a girl for you then i will marry geet u will be free. just for now say yes please bro

dev was looking him intently Maan thinks for a while and then just nodded his head in acceptanceSmile and dev ran towards dadi's room to tell her about maan's decision... Dadi was more than happy to know and wanted to do BHANGRADancing ... [Magicia]


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