PART 35:

he stopped and then he saw Geet removing her duppatta and the Same Bouquet in her hands he gave her. he was confuse to see roses in her hands
and slap flashed in his mind.

Dev (ST): is she going to throw these flower on my face like she just slapped me
Oh GOD yeh mein ne pehle kiun nahi socha k she can do something like slap. dev beta bura phase ho 

dev took steps towards her horrified by her next move. Geet could see tension on his face. she stood there waiting for him to come close so she can proceed with her Plan. Dev came near her
Dev: hey Geet u called me here. is every thing ok?
Geet: yeah. i wanted to spend some time with my would be hubby alone but u look stressed. By looking at ur face i think i shouldn't have called u
Dev was super happy and his heart was doing all types of bhangra listening to geet
By saying would be hubby geet just took his breath away. he was in a trance when geet said

Geet: i thought to gift u something but didn't find anything better in this world to give u though u didn't even propose me but em very hapy to get u as my husband
and picked one rose from the bouquet and gave it to dev which he shyly took and saw her face lovingly and blush. geet too blush
and looked down. when he came back to reality from his dream land then suddenly he bent on his knee and raised the flower and asked

Dev: Miss Geet Handa u r the most beautiful lady in the whole world would you like to be my bride?? Me Dev Singh Khurana promise to keep u happy always
. Will you marry me?? and make my life beautiful.

and they both laughed and Geet took flower from him and said yes shyly. [
flower phr se Geet k pass agaya hai] she bent and rise him up when Dev stood up suddenly Geet Hugged him Tight. Dev was touched by her gesture and hugged her back. After sometime her body stiffened in his arms and she freed herself almost pushing him and then gave a magical smile to him and he got fluttered as always.

Geet: I think we should go back before some one know about our absence
Dev: yeah yeah. You go first i will come after some time so no one see us together
She started walking away from him and turned back to see him and he winked [
Ganda bacha Dev]

In the whole journey Dev and Geet was stealing glances and Brij didn't go unnotice by brij. He didn't like dev much. They had their diner and then again the Chori Chupe dekhna
started.Finally they reached Delhi. Dadi asked driver to take them to outhouse first. She gave Geet a tour to the outhouse and showed The only room which was going to be her's. Geet liked the house and dadi left saying

Dadi: "Geet u arrange ur things the way u want. i will send servants to help u and then take rest ok. Let me know if u want anything bete. "
dadi saw dev standing there like a staute and signaled him to leave too. he so wanted to help geet but dadi glared him and he left with her.Dadi asked brij to join them in KM because there was only one room which occupied by Geet so he too left with both of them leaving geet alone.
After the hectic day Geet was hell tired so she fell on the bed
and dozed off in to deep sleep like a LOG

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