Tuesday, December 27, 2011

MG-SS-Christmas Gift –Scene 3 Hospital Part 5 : The Blast

Scene 3 Hospital
The Blast

11.40 pm ,24th December 2011

He was counting down minutes 19 minutes , 18 minutes �.15 minutes .. He cant stay at the parking and he went back ..waited at Dr.Meeras cabin continue counting . 11 minutes �4 minutes �
Meera came, she laughed ,to his questioning looks she replied
"so Majnu waiting for his Jaanu , Come we wait at Parking karan will come �My duty time is Over , Or I allowed myself ,Dr. Alice had to take over now , I was being polite and gentle to her . But seems she don't deserved to be " on their way she spoke After marrying Karan a Hindu boy, Meera rarely attends Christmas party , So she agreed To Dr.Alice to be at Hospital so That Alice can have Party .
Maan "Geet ??"
Meera " Dekho Maan , there is a patient Arundhati and Geet' is very close to her , she don't have anybody else and she is in labour now , Dr.Alice is already here .. and they will shift her to OT , Just 20 ,30 minutes more .Geet will attend the OT and come , just 1 hour break she took , that she will compensate � ..I am Sorry �" Patting Maan's Shoulder ," You Know Na Geet and Her Dedication ...."
Maan smiled and thought himself .."Do  I know ..!!" .. When the lift stopped , Maans Gaurd 1 and Meera stepped out First , ��.Maan just got down from lift , but before his second guard could get out he heard an EXPLOSION somewhere Up ,somewhere at the top floor and he fell on ground his other guard who got down before him covered before any glass pieces could hurt him��.
He heard Meera screaming !
He heard another crashing and Blasting sound somewhere deep , and smokes and dust gushed out of the hollow of the place where there was a lift �
Panic attack ����� People running screaming ,crying  , smoke blood ������..
As soon as Maan could able to stand , he was bleeding his hands , forehead � He saw his guard's back full of blood ,
Meera when fell got hurt and her shoulder was bleeding ��..
Maan hold him and Meera and guided rushed through the panicked crowd ..and ..finally reached the open area in grass and made them sit ,
Meera " I am OK ..Go Get Geet �use stairs of emergency exit GO �", he looked up �saw � 20th floor .. Full on fire and smoke and fire flames licking the sky through the broken windows ��. The whole building was almost dark except the glow of some red dim light of emergency lighting ..
He Immediately Ran to the door of the Emergency Exit, from where people where coming out like swarm of bees from hive when attacked ,
By then Maan figured out , something exploded at 20th floor and fire spreading and Geet is on 28th floor .. Now covered in smoke ..
He ran and made his way , hitting and pushing , all he wanted to be with his Geet ..!
Then he saw Dr.Alice Running down stairs ,Sister Rimi too with her (though Maan did not recognised her) , dressed up for OT, He saw Maan trying to go Up, and she hold his Hands
And dragged him out ..She shouted " Come Maan �. Come Save Geet �. She stupid Girl not Ready To Come with us �.And " She was Panting heavily , trying to breath � " You Know How obstinate and uncompromising she is �! ..We have to do Something �Come �."
Maan in mind .." Ha . Do.I Know !!!!"
Dr.Alice told him that Geet was not ready to leave with them leaving Arundhati and other patients , they somehow managed to let out 3 ,and there was 2 patients left in the labour ward and above all Arundhati started to have labour pain and not in a movable condition � The other one is unconscious following a Uterus removal surgery and on life support systems.
By then fire workers started their Rescue Mission � Dr.Alice quickly ran to them and asked to arrange stretchers , but most of the stretchers available was with patients, burned with 2, 3 third degree burns and people are running with them to nearby hospital as traffic blocked
As the degree of danger passed above the rescue level on upper floors fire fighters started to concentrate rescuing people below 20th floor  because fire was spreading up rapidly �
With a tremendous fight with the authority Maan himself allowed to go up along with stretcher , because with heavy smoke they fear the people may be unconscious � And two stretchers obtained and by then the fire reached up to 24th floor , and the upper floors almost covered with smoke even not able to distinguish whether there was a building ..
Maan was on one and in another the other brave fire fighter decided to go along with him in his mission , they reached the window of the labour ward .. The Night vision cameras proved useless with smoke .


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