Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Chapter 7 : Crazy Sundari and Cute Shaitan

Chapter 7

How Dare You Khushi Kumari Gupta ..


Thum Aisa Soch Bhee Kaisey Sakthey hi ki '  His whole body was shaking with anger 'and he hold on her arms tightly and make her sit '


She cried , with very much genuine tears '  those tears ! Oh Man .. How many times I got cheated by those and still I am getting in to it ..


He calmed down , fingers clutching her body tightly , release her slowly ..


He patted her softly .


Khushi its ok ..Dont cry ..Now tell me what happened ..I am not going to hurt you ..ok ..I cant ..he cant explain further ..and said ..I don't want to hurt you ..Now could you tell me what happened ..

Again he was on his verge of loosing control and getting angry '


Feeling that change Khushi cried like a little girl , throwing herself at his chest in to a very warm hug , and without wasting a single second , he took her in to his arms ' and she snorted sounds she was making was so loud and funny , surprising and at the same time amusing him ..


Hee nghee ..Ap '.Hum ne TV Mey Dekaa''..  Nghee .nghee '


Ap ..


Thum Mujey TV mey Dekha ..??


Nahee ' Vo ..Rich Guys Marries poor girls like mee' ngheee  nghee ..again she started irritating him


Thum Bathathee ho ya '.


He hold on her ..She stopped .


And explained him ..what she saw on TV ,


He laughed out  loud , holding his stomach 'and almost rolled on bed ..


Khushi stared at him , feeling little embarrassed .. Ismey .khee khee ..Ithan Husnaey ka bath hi she thought and pouted ..


He looked at her laying then slowly sat beside her and cupped her face softly looked at her eyes'


The soft light of night glittered in her innocent eyes ..


Ithna innocent ithna cute 'he thought , the twinkle in her eyes refreshed his thoughts , his realization ..


Koee ithna innocent and cute kaisey ho saktha hi ..her beautiful eyes once again assured him what he solemnly want to believe and hidden underneath his heart that she is innocent pure 'she cant be the person what he saw on terrace ..


He looked deep in to her eyes ..


Tho thumey laga ki ..mey ..


Again he cant hold on his laugh '


Sirf isliye ki mey thuhmarey saath ..vo sab nahee '


Again he laughed .. Making her mad ..


Ha ha ..kyun nahee ..sab shadi kar key '


She paused , her face instantly got red , but still in her fighting mood ..


Oh ..I.I don't know that '..  He looked at her naughtily '


So people getting married .to .do ..such things '.


She bowed her head .. And he was not letting it go , he rose her face little up , tried to see whats in her eyes .. Which was looking down ..


So ..if I do ' that stuffs that married people do .i can prove ,, I am a man '


Hmm '


She felt her whole body going weaker and she felt any moment she will fall on him ..


Right khushi ..??


Her lips quivered , is she going to say something or ..something else ..when he looked at the pink soft ..and sweet lips of hers 'he forgot everything '


Slowly bent and touched it with his slowly , then softly sucked her lower lips 'making her breathless .. For next few moments '''



Precap :   Seems she had her bath ..she was looking at him ..and so innocently 'asked him ..


Kal rath Kya hua ..?? His eyes widened Shocked, ..What ?? She don't know . that Embarrassed.!

please click likes and if possible comment , ...at least i am typing all these yarLOL ...i need some feed back ..motivation LOL
Please Visit for my Other Crazy Works


Edited by -Magicia- - 06 May 2012 at 4:31am




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