Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Chapter 15 : Crazy Sundari and Cute Shaitan

Chapter 15

( Thank you Everyone for The Comments and Likes )
Arnav remembered his Decorators removing the names in the flower arrangement .. at Party hall Manish Raj  Weds Payal  Gupta ..


Payal Gupta ''

Gupta ..


Khushi Gupta ..

Payal Guptas Sister ...


He closed his eyes '


Before guilt could completely shatter him ..he acted quickly ..


Aman get me the address of this Girl ..her name is Khushi Gupta ..


Ok Sir ..


And Inform her Parents that she is safe ., here '

And seek help from police to assure her all safety .. We don't know how she landed up here .. So careful ..


Yes Sir I can understand ..


Then he ringed room service and asked 2 waitress to be in the room with her .., still he hasn't felt enough..


He quickly strode to Anjali's room which is at the other end of the mansion ..




Deee ..Dee..


Kya Hua Chotey .  . Is Everything Ok ..


Anajli just came out of bath and was making her hair ..


No di .., Yea .. But ..You come with me dee ' And you have to stay with her ..


Kya Hua Unko .. By then Arnav pulled her hand and has started walking towards his room , Anjali struggled to follow his pace with her half made long hair and other hand still holding the comb, he was really tensed


Chotey Doctor ney Kaha Fir Unkee Thabeeyath Bigad gayee .And Ap Ney Rath Ko Uhney fir Se Bulaya .

He stopped 

How do you know dee ..why you met doctor , Ap teek hi Na , his worry now shifted to Anjali why do Dee Need a doctor ..


No Chotey Gabaraney ki Koee bath nahee . I met him in the Yoga class today Early morning , remember yesterday Viraj told me about the Yoga Campaign at our Hotel, Hum Uhney Wahee miley .


Yes he do remember , there was some Yoga campaign was going on the "senate hall " of their Hotel , organised by some Hi-fi health Club of the city as a part of their Promotions


Vo kah rahee the  ap ne fir Uhney Bulaya , ap bahuth worried they '

Fir Uhnoney bathaya .. Worry honey ki koee bath nahee Ap yuheee jyada concerned they  bas 'she smiled remembering his tantrums when she gets sick


Then he noticed she was struggling to maintain his speed and he instantly carried her , because he don't wanted any delay ..


Chotey Ye Ap Kya Kar Rahey hi ' Kya Sochengey Log ' The roomboys and cleaning guys and some guests at the corridor was amazed by the sight and they started staring .


Nahee dee ..Humey jaldee Jana hi .. Khushee ko kabhee bhee Hosh Aa Sakthee hi 'Apko jaldee Vaha Hona Chahiye .. Doctor told the sedation would prolong 6 7 hours .. So


Anjali looked at him smiling warmly , amused ' tho khushi unka naam hi..


By then they reached in front of his room ..

And anjali was about enter he stopped '


Dee ..he hesitated ,

Kya hua chotey ..Ap Nahee Ayengey

Mujey Kuch Important Work Hi Dee ..and ...

Dee you have '  ..You 'should ..tell ..clear her ...

Arnav wanted to clear the misunderstanding , he wanted Khushi to know that it is not him who changed her clothes .and nothing is happened with her ...But He dont know what to tell his dee and How to make her understand what happened between them 

What Chotey 'She was thinking of Arnav of old times when he begs her for hiding his mischief's from his mother so that his mother should not be angry at him , he is always concerned about his loving ones feeling ' if he scares of something in this world is the displease from his favourite and here 'he is worried about a total stranger ' she completely believes his story of Khushi , because she know her brother well and his distance from girls ..She was Sure he met her yesterday Only


Kya Hua Chotey Ap Bathayengey nahee to hum kya bathayengey ..Uhney ?

She was smiling cutely ..he felt embarassed and quickly converted in to ASR from Arnav ,


Yea ..Dee You should tell her , her family is informed about her Current state, and arrangements would be made for her safe journey, back home ..


Anjali disappointed by his answer , kya Chotey ap apna Ko business email humey padkar suna raha hi ' uff , Humey patha Hi Kya Kahna hi and Kya Karna hi ..and she entered to room


Arnav did not felt courage to meet Khushi again , after the realization ,he dialled Aman




Anjali looked at the angelic beauty sleeping in front her , She is innocent and cute ..with red nose tip .. She found very familiar like someone she know for years '


Then there was a knock , Anajli asked one of the girls ,who were there to help to open

She attended the person and came back telling Arnav need his Suitcase and things ..


Anjali confused ..

She said Sir is shifting room ..and he want to get ready ..


Who is out there .. come in ... Anjali asked, She wanted to Know what's actually happening  ., for that the girl answered its one boy from room service and he got strict instruction , actually all male helps got strict instruction do not enter this room when Khushi madam is here ..


What ! ..Anjali cant stop herself ..  She thought of calling Arnav , then dropped the plan .. Hmm Something is going on ..Defenitely going On .. Why he is acting ...he is acting like ... She don't get an answer '

Possessive ?  !! 'she asked herself '




Arnav in Another room .. On phone..


Aman ..oh ..yea ..I am in room No 111 now '  Yea ..Nothing ,I shifted here ..yea ..


Aman arrives ..


Sir , I got her information , I called her family and told as you said ..They were really worried ..


How did you get ?


I called that Manish Raj , and just little threat ..I just told him the Girl khushi came to meet him found Unconscious in the Lobby . As she was here to meet him he must give us an explanation .or get ready to answer Police ..

That's it ..he gave her address and told he has nothing to do with her as her sisters and his wedding already called off ..


Hmm hmm ..OK ..


Make Arrangements for her return ..


Yes Sir already did ..nothing to Worry ..Police is already here they will take her back home safely and I myself will escort her back .


Yea ..thats Good ..


Then he remembered something ..And Turned to Aman ..


Aman You have an idea Exactly why she was here .. Why she want to meet the guy , and ..

Guilt '..

And ..Did You actually offered him the other hall Right , Still cancelled the wedding Taking Money From.. ..


Not actually sir ..


What ?


I got this information from reception that yesterday morning , before we go with our offer  , Manish enquired about how much money will be repaid ..if he cancel the Booking , and  our terms says only 25 % will returned after cancelling , then he requested for 30 % .. .

That means he had already planned to call off it .and our offer was just a Lottery to him , and I assume she is here with the dowry money he demanded ,



Oh .. So That's why the Money! ..jeejaji .. ,

Why I did not believed her , and he felt somehow guilty as she accused he is also became a part of the game .. Even though .. He should nt have offered the Man money for The party hall ,


Actually Anjali made plans last minute so he decide to throw surprise Party at Sheesh Mahal , he already informed Raizadas to join them in evening and Surprise Anjali ..But the Party Hall was already Booked for wedding and the other available hall was not big enough ..and he wanted the Party at Sheesh Mahal itself ..That's why ..he told Aman to arrange another hall for the wedding party and free transportation for Guests  from the Sheesh Mahal to the other hall and compensation too ..But '


Now he could Understand Her pain .., Already her Sisters wedding is cancelled and ..
Oh My God ..


She Lost her money Too ..!

May be in the Last Nights Incidents ..What To do ..! .


Aman , Who were the guys who was following her yesterday .. And Did you talk to Viraj , Does he got any hand in it and , she was here with Money ..SO any Idea , did Manish Took ..


He was angry , he wanted to smash each and everybody who caused her trouble .


Then Aman  opened the packet he was holding and it contained a bag , made clothe decorated with sequence and glass works ..


Its her Bag , We Got It From the Lobby ..Sir seems Money Is stolen , I think after meeting manish she was about to return then that time the men , I handed over them to Police ..


Police ..?? Arnav don't want to involve in any Police Case,


No Don't worry Sir .. I reported they Misbehaved , that's it .Not mentioned her Name ..


Thank you ..


Arnav Said , Aman Surprised and , he smiled and looked at the Sweet man hurriedly taking check book out of his coat pocket and Signing , under the Hard Shell Of Arnav Singh Raizada '




Aman , he handed the Check leaf to Aman and said ..Do One more thing '

Precap :   So ..Ye Care Sab Dikhava Tha ... HumPey Vo Bilkul Yakeen nahee Karthey ..
More misuderstanding Shocked 


  1. Magicia aaa big clap for u dear.what an imagination! Kash actual story bhi aisa hota! Rough asr ke peecha itna cute arnav who cares a total stranger. He felt possessiveness at the first meeting itself woww. That was awsome.

  2. Loved it!! pls cont... soon..

  3. Loved it dear... Simply awesome!!

  4. Loved the update .. again MU .. OOHHHHHHHH .. Can't wait ;)


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