Thursday, May 10, 2012

Chapter 11 : Crazy Sundari and Cute Shaitan


Chapter 11

She told something to Groom's father Pointing Arnav's Father ..., He Stared at Arnavs father who was there to receive the Barathi along with his mother ..His mother seems shocked , she looked at his father in shock then ran back to haveli ..crying .Arnav's father tried to stop her , but she was already away . Arnav's father try to reason with Groooms father and confront woman , By then his Chacha came in front and caught her with some men and took her away from the scene.

The little girl was so scared that she was looking every where , one brief moment when she looked at she seems saw him , All the others present were elders , shouting screaming arguing , and she was hell scared , so when her eyes met his , he looked shocked , not furious , some unknown kindness she felt in his eyes .some unexplainable peace transferred and her eyes fixed at his '

Little Arnav too felt something magnetic about her gaze and he was looking at her only , Whats happening ? What is she doing in the middle ..And somewhere is in his heart he was sure that she has nothing to with all that happening around .. And he started to worry for her , a feeling he never felt for anybody else other than hid DEE .. What if something happens to her , because people from Ladkey waley and Ladkee waley almost started fight hands to hand and his Mamaji and Father was trying hard to control situation .. He wanted to go there and snatch her hands and run away some place safe '.but ..

Then he saw one of his Chachas men , grabbing and taking her away carrying on his shoulders and dropping her in the van where he saw the other woman was already there , forced by the men sitting around her The door locked and van started .. And he followed as far as he could see ..helpless '

Then he heard of some plate (thali) falling down on the ground with a very loud noise ..followed by his mothers heart breaking cry

(Pic Credits : Nivedita Sagiraju of FB , Thank You Dear)
Arnav saw his mom running towards her room crying , But then some Chaos on the gate , his attention caught there and he saw Arnav's Father begging to Grooms father not to go Back .. But without listening to his pleads

The Barathi returned '

He did not understand whats happening , then he heard people screaming pointing the Dom , there stood Arnav's mother and Arnav looked at her in shock , What is she Up to ..

She saw Arnav..

She smiled one last time at Arnav Through her tears and gave him a kiss in the air and jumped ..

(Pic Credits : Nivedita Sagiraju of FB , Thank You Dear)

MAAA.. Arnav Screamed 'and turned his face unable to see his mother falling Then At the gate ...

He saw his father too saw her falling and collapsing on ground on his knees and then he stands up in a jerk , on the very next second , pulls the revolver from the security standing near by ,all shocked ..and Arnav's Father shot at himself in head ''..

DAA.. Arnav cant complete he fell down , and his vision was blurred with tears and he saw his Dee Running down ..

Anajli on her bridal suit running towards gate ,she tripped and fall down from the stairs '''.



And he Fainted '


Deee he screamed in sleep and woke up ..

He cried , on the pillows muffling his pain , softly whimpering ..maaa '.

His mother fall to death , in front of him ..his father too took his life , and his dee 'all happened in very one day .! And he survived .. Survived to feel night mares every other nights , survived to suffer everything alone 'survived for a life that meant only one thing ..his Dee's happiness , he believes

Because nothing else seems to sense for him ..after that fateful day .. Nothing .. He felt gorgeous or even pleasant about life '

Then those two helpless eyes .. Haunted him ' the pain in it , something he can not forget ..

He stood up and walked towards Balcony , he felt his legs heavy cant walk ..

It was Raining heavily .. He stood at the Balcony , drenched ..Memories haunting was burning his soul and he felt some peace when the rain drops patted him to sooth ..

He leaned back the Parapet and looked Up at the Mahal's Dom and the stars shining above it '

How long he stood there he don't have an idea , then he heard a woman screaming ..above the terrace , he felt he is hearing it from his soul .. And he got alert and he saw her falling , jumping from the terrace,

Now he is no more a kid , he ran and before she hit the ground he caught her '''.

(My Edit Of Rain Effect , How Is It ?? Done in Adobe CS5)

And she looked at her savior , the very same tormented eyes he can never forget ..'and fainted in his arms ..

He looked up , he saw some men , following her stood there all shocked ..


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EmbarrassedMagic Of BarunEmbarrassed

Ps : How is the story ..ya it little bit tensioned one , but soon you will get your crazy sundari back , once she wake up from the state she is in ..


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