Chapter 39: Danger Ahead !
20 October 2011
Sajjan and Son Hugged each other after signing papers with the managers , representatives on behalf of Khuranas , everything decided .It will be join venture 60-40 Kameena Company the name also fixed
It was Saajns admanent decision the kHurans tried not to bring kamena name in Company .But Sajjan warned as Khurans are from different casts the villages (he said ) will not be ready to send their lands ..mathrubhumi and all bl bla to different casts , so if they want this project to exist
Sajjan and Son returned... To Haveli with a decision to celebrate 'their victory and... future full of money and... chance to enjoy power to do more atyachar
For them celebration is Shabab and Sharab... Sharab they were already completely drowned barely walk and Shabab'hmm
They already ordered Mrs. Sajjan to prepare feast, and Many of the prominent persons of the village were with them. Then some local women played...dances and all...
"Munni badnaam huee Darling there liye'"
It was about morning, 4 o' clock the party end. Mrs. Sajjan already left to sleep in her room upstairs and Cheenu too don't like these kind of dirty dancing and parties, went to outhouse, usually when he is around he used to make Chameli sleep in outhouse, in his room, but never crossed his limits... She was his childhood friend and a precious innocent dream he loves... He just wanted her to sleep peacefully and happily fearless at least on those days when he is around. Mrs. Sajjan's gandhi dimag can only think... why Cheenu want Chameli in his room is for only that... Then her womanly cleverness nature found out nothing yet happened with Chameli ... So she worried about Cheenu being a Man, but she dare not to discuss with Sajjan or Brahmanand ' She really wanted Chameli to seduce him and... Make him a "real man" so her anger towards Chameli is more because she believes Chameli is a failure... Her frustration comes out as anger...
That night too she prepared Chameli with all beautiful clothes and flowers and all and send her with milk, fruits and sweets to Cheenu's room at outhouse, She want her Grandson to get best, that's why she protected Chameli all the while from lustrous site of her husband...
Chameli already shared her little secret of Geet's presence in Haveli. Cheenu was not able to understand completely, yet what all he could understand is... Chameli is happy because of someone's presence in Haveli; he thought may be of some new servant...
Chameli entered Cheenu's room... Cheenu was hiding behind the door instantly grabbed her as soon as she placed things in nearby table and began to search for Cheenu, she felt ticklish and blushed, Cheenu made her sit and asked her to lay and sleep... as usual... moving to the other end near her legs, gently pressing them softly... Making her relax, but as she grew up she was feeling unknown emotions inside her making her shiver out of shyness and make her whole body tickled with Cheenu's cares, she immediately stood up, her black beautiful eyes like some black pearl pleaded him not to, Cheenu grinned he could understand her plight... He said
"OK... I will not... ok... please sit..." He looked at her face fondly after offering her an apple, the playful hairs that always fell on her forehead ' he just wanted to sit whole day and watch it' and she was busy in eating one hand and her other hand trying to control her hairs... he softly one by one moved all of them back' he could feel the happiness in her face, he knew it's not only because of him also because of that special person who is obviously a woman.
Then she stopped eating suddenly cutely looked at apple and him, then he asked
"what happened' eat today I want you finish all these... so that tomorrow my granny be really happy..."
Then suddenly she burst in to cry Cheenu shocked what he did say wrong??!
Chameli was in remorse because the whole day she was either busy with Cheenu's demands, to keep her away from his father's eyes, and in kitchen for evening preparation she did not given anything to eat to Geet, and now she is eating alone sitting in cozy bed poor deedi might be... in that cold floor without any food''''.
Shehowever manged to conveyed Cheenu her regret and Cheenu laughed and understood ok... If you want to go' go... but be careful... today that sharabi party' with that said he fondly kissed her forehead... in a moment she tried to run, then he stopped 'ye bhi le jao...
And she hit her head herself, bit her tongue... Cheenu quickly took his small back bag and packed all the food stuff, and handed it to Chameli, her eyed filled up' She ran to Cheenu hugged him... and cried ' poor soul was not able to express her gratitude, her love... she just hugged and cried '. Cheenu 'hugged her and then... holding her shoulder moved her back 'and said what she want to say or hearing on what makes her feel special for ever...
"Pagli... I love you... From The moment you move away from my site until you turn back all I am thinking is about you, you only 'and whoever is special for you is special for me'
And... I love to do anything for that person who bring smile to my nanhi pari's face '
Now before make me cry out of happiness go... Stay with her... just be careful...
And I can't bear this fear of losing you again... so; this time I am asking grandma... to send you with me' I know she will send you with me... but 'once I take you out of this jungle of cruel animals... you will be welcomed in my home as my wife only ''.I already spoke to mummy... And she only suggested taking you out of this world as soon as possible...
Only for that I came with Dad, even though it was urgently planned by him, without waiting for my vacation as usual... so. When I left I already informed Mummy and she will be at home when we go back tomorrow... ok '?"
She cried and hugged and fell on his feet, he got angry... for her doing that, she understood... slowly rose on her toes kissed his... lips tenderly ' for the first time'
Before he could register what had happened...the magical moment .. she giggled and ran away '.He has seen her disappearing at the end of corridor connecting Haveli and out house.
He fell back on bed with both his hands open stretched... Chuckling, blushing smiling... then hugged pillow, roll on bed '. Hid his face in pillow' Chameli's face flashes in his mind again and again'. Kissing her was making him blush harder sweetly ever
Everyone were left home, Sajjan was still in mood to celebrate, his feet was not able to make him stand, he was clinging on Brahmanands Shoulder they moved to central courtyard.
Brahmanand joked on Sajjan: "Baap jab buddha hota hi... To beta ka kandhey ki zaroorat hoti hai '"and laughed '
Sajjan: "abhee dikhata hoo baap buddha hua hee k nahee '.doubt hai to jake vo doctorni se pooch '"
Brahmanand: "this is one more important thing; you must wipe out all the mistakes and its tail ends..We are not some local Zamindars anymore Entrpenaurs ..Bujiness Man ..He laugh loud and his voice became serious. ok... So that bitch ko as soon as finish..."
Sajjan: "aj ki raat uskee akree rath hai saali"
( Yaro Like na ..if u reading i promise u will not regret hi hi ..Maneet will coem soon ..the more likes and comments more faster the update ..)

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