Chapter 18 .Mamas Boy
20 October 2011
So everybody was worried at least showing concerned about Geets ruined future , Geets Brothers did not understand the depth of the "damage' happened to geet According to society .Because for them ..Their innocent sister was saved from the stupid Darindah'
Want to repeat ..Khurana kids not much concerned about society charitr ..bla blah ..things
Their discrimination will be purely based on the academic Records 'simply saying mark sheets.. The one who scores best is the better person ' the logic ..when u fully engross in studies to score that .. U wont go to do any bad activities ..simple '. and Maan come very low class according to them
Shivanand and Khurana was just tired too tired to think anything Khurana out of guilt that his son brought to an innocent girl , who else knew what badnaami for a girl better than him (reference Khurana History ..Sorry I agree Like any History Khurana History too boring pardon me ..then when it Sallu Mia ..I cant Stop ..)'
He got the answer for the solution .according to his purana dimag .but dared to say ..because ..kaha brilliant shilliant Iyers and kaha .. Stupid ..
Idiot Kothe ka Puttar Maan Ullu de paata ..Control Nahee kar Saktha ..
Ab Meim iskey Mom ko Kya jawab Doon
Wait a minute why do I need to answer his mom , it is he who has to answer then thinking of her ..he instantly took his mobile and called his home ..because when the news flashed their car burned she almost dead ..then the reporters again reported no body was found inside ..she got life again ..and thrown shocked Lucky out ' and ordered him Don't come back house without maan ..
And locked herself in Pooja room
Then he scared what will happen if she come here And he disconnected ..He thought Let Iyers decide what they want to do with Maan , right now the state in which they are he cant ask ..He knew well A Ladkee kee badnamee is more than a Ladkas ...'
Because how much she hates these Iyers ' he only knows '
And the reason too '.
He sacred ..but by then he heard her screaming crying and rushing inside with some padosi ..the news spread '
Yup ..when it has so spicy mix in it how cant it reach there ..
'.. And she glared at Lucky one second as if she going to burn him ...then somebody guided her to the Room where Maan was laid
Seeing Priety Aunty , Iyer Brothers gone numb and bowed their head and slowly moved away from scene , because even though she is a jwalamukhi
Khurana passed a defeated a defeated pleading look at Iyer, Then Iyer patt his shoulder , by then Rajasree Appeared on the bedroom door where she was laying ..She heard crying and cursing of Preethi from the other room '
She asked Shivanand to Go near her and she whispered something in his ear he looked at his wife disbelievingly .She nodded .and persuaded him to talk with Luckyji ..
And Lucky was overjoyed by the rquest they had put forth ..
He hold Shivanands both hands and said .."Apney hamara dil kee Bath Kahee ..", then they both hugged ..Rajasree happily went to Kitchen to prepare shagun ka tdhali
but "Khurana Sahb ek bath Kahnee thee .."
People around them where frowning .. They did not understand anything but everyone almost had an idea which they don't want to believe ..
..Shivanand asked "andar chal ke bath Karey .."
And they both escaped from scene
He was waiting "mom abhee thak aye jyn nahee .., because when arnie kicked him and his head hit oon table he had fainted ..but after 3,4 minutes he brought back to conscious his whole body paining , then he saw Bheem saying he is behosh and when Arnie wanted to kick him more somewhere doc bheem jaga , he stopped Arnie and asked him to stop hurting , now we will deal with him after going home'
So maan the clever stupid understood this trick will work , When Khurana Beat him for failing his semesters ..he usually act behosh ..seeing him behosh '. His mother cant control herself and will pound on his dad like a sherni , even though she too beat him ..but ..he knew well a mothers heart ..
By then he was almost sure that Geet defenitely will blabber all those happened between them to her brothers ..and they will crush him to kill with their bare hands ..and if his dad come to know ..then he will murder him .. Only rajasree can save him from Geets brothers ..but what he did to geet is wrong help ..
Suddenly he remembered his mother ..She can save him only when if he acts sick or dying type ..So he decided to continue his behoshee ..untill his mom reach no matter whatever tortuer they use ..
He got enough time even to set heart breaking dialogues to his mother silently , 'unconsciously' laying on Jeep '
And he was waiting for his mom .. Why she is not coming , thank god I deccided to act behosh , otherwise ..Papaji .. Will have ripped him apart like Sunny do in Gadar ..
Then he heard his mom's scream "Maan 'Merey lal'' and cry '
Maans Mother ...
...Maan's Parents ..Prettyji and Luckyji ... they call each other like that ...
pretty singh is very healthy true Punjaban , bilkul pataka ..whatever comes in her head , before it register there will be out of her mouth ...And powerful too ..her husband and son fears her a lot ..a drama queen , but good at heart The GHSP Geet if gets old ...She is beautiful too ...very beautiful indeed ...
Mona Singh was one option in my mind but she is too classy , and Raveena Tandon .but she is too sexy .i dont have her classy punjaban looking fotos..
She is very beautiful ..My Geet gets Jealous of her sasuma that much cute
thank you for your suggestions ...@speechless ..and help with photos.
if i match this man with this women u people promise u will not kill me its their old photo..when they got married ..please press likes if u are ok with it...
ooo .. i love them very much
This is what she was doing when Maan's father first met her when his father took him for a ladkee dekhna

then met in temple lucky told his past and all and she loved his sincerity

and they married

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