Chapter 22 : My 14year old '"baby ""
15 November 2011
Everyone was busy , super busy with double marriage ahead , Maan moved to his home ,
Nathan and chitra Nayantharas parents , sat in the corner , all their hopes shattered ... Now no chance at all ...
Shivanand called Lucky , that he want to tell something important and both sat in Lucky's car and drove away , everyone found it extremely weird but then they all guess they may be on their way to discuss dowry ...
At some place in no one around ..Shivanand cried and Lucky Hold his hands ...
Shivanand spit out in one breath .. My Geet is only 14 years ... And we want her to be with us till she complete her studies and turn 18 ...please
Lucky totally confused .
Geet school enrolling time , {Geet was "home delivered"" baby and Rajashrees parents were illiterate enough not to collect or even think of a birth certificate} .that time he got transfer to Bombay from Chennai .He already arranged The boys admission . For Geet he choose one best school .
Shivanand had been doing some research paper with two other mathematician from Uk , As the submission date was nearby so they had to speed up the work , so they immediately called Shivannad and he left leaving the duty of enrolling Geet
To the school to Rajashree and her brothers Arjun and Bheem Dev was busy with his studies.
Some communication misunderstanding between the autodriver and highly South Indian accented Rajashree and boys only know speak English that time. And the Hindi they talk was not at all "palle padey "of the autodriver.
After some confusing discussion when rajasree further explained they wanted to go Montissory School was immediately grasped by Autodriver as Mandirwala School ...Finally ... ... they ended up the sarkari school near by.
When Rajashree told the date of birth of Geet the teacher doing admission said since Geet is 3 and 1 months she wont get admission unless change date of birth which is not a big problem or come after 2 years , because Sirkar want kids to at least for to start schooling.. Rajashree was confused She immediately send the boys to nearby public booth to call Shivanand and ask his opinion ..
Because Shivanand already told her about the some adjustments the might have needed for enrolling ..because she is four months lesser to get one ..and here the admissionwala Bhaisahb saying 2 years !!
When The boys called Shivanand was in between some heated
Discussion with his fellows regarding some problems , however he attended the call and in between his serious astronomical problem discussion when they said this silly simple year problem , he was not completely understood ..further the boys was grabbing receiver from each other to hear their father ...
Shivanand wanted to end the call and return to his topic his passion so he sillily concluded ..replied back two or three years shift does not matter as change in paper will not affect biological development ...anyway ...after all its not some problem of astro physics .
The problem is when he said 2 or 3 years , 2 was heard by Arnie and 3 was heard by Bheem ..
Kids ran back.
Admission process was about to close
Teacher was in hurry and Kids said their mom Father agreed to change the year, but one said its 2 and another said its 3 ...making all confused ..
They were arguing .
Bhemm said Arnie I am elder i heard correct Dad said 3 ..ok .brother ,
Bheem Bhayya i am old enough to understand difference between 2 n 3 Appa said 2..and u r not that much good in Maths , ur best in biology 2 ..u have to add ...
He ordered the teacher the stern attitude filled tone
Bheem : yes i am good in biology and my hearing ability is excellent ..its three put three ..
Both boys attitude confused rajashree and a little taller bigger Geet ,totally made the person designated to admission process mad. .
So he asked rajashree irritated .."Dono ke Tharaf se do do karathee hoom ..
Rajashree was also tired confused she nodded ..
And he made 3 year old 4 years elder .. 7years .
Shivanand came back , he found the school was not good enough for his princess to study So he took her to best school ,
That time he did not checked the date of birth of TC and what ...
They went to admission for KG class ,
Seeing 7 years from DOB column the teacher gave her admission test for 7year to enter in 3rd standard and ..guess what our Geet passed that also brilliant tha extra ordinarily brilliant..
Shivanand Super Happy .. He heard about double promotion and all his Grandfather got in britishers time , still its exists or not he had never bothered ..he just happy that his princess excelled as he expected
But later he found Geet was getting little difficult in learning certain subject like bilogy ,,LOL ..too much doubts , Arjun pointed this out and asked his father that they have to do something , but in passport and other stuffs the date of birth shows she 15 ,so he decided to change and asked expert opinion a lawyer.
Luckily on his way to submit application he come across with Madhav Tripadi , when he come to know that what is Shivanand up to ..he warned him..
Because Shivanand participated in some NGO andolan upon some of his students request and he too felt they are rightin their protest regarding a Dam construction a natural wild life preserve , which agitated the Government ,so they secretly decided to take action against the important persons participated in it , that time Shivanand was recently awarded with Padmashree and was famous ..
So CM ordered Police That Area , Madhav was also present at the meeting , if any silly small case , lawless action from Shivanand or anyone in family ..even if it be a small traffic offence ..make it big ..and give trouble that his akal will come on tikana ..and understand what to mess with Government
Being a policeman Madhav understood , if the police want , he is not the only one in police ... They can drag this case to any extent and even Jail shivanand for adding false information in Passport and even some people may lose jobs because they havent done enough investigation and bla and bla and bla ...
So They decided to leave it like That ...
Lucky understood why he disclosed this now ..
Then Shivanand continued so i want Geet to be with us untill she is 18 , by then she could have completed her studies too...
Luckily Lucky too wanted this ...Because he knew his Munda and his ...hi hi LOL
Chal chalan very well , how a marriage and the privillages will affect .. He had some clue ...
The thought about his son and his opinion on this subject send shivers down spine
He remembered a chit chat with his friend he heard a few weeks ago ...
Now Luckys visual changed to black and white circles going round round and flash back ...

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