Monday, January 9, 2012

Chapter 54 .The Wedding (Part 12)

Chapter 54.The Wedding (Suhag Rath)
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According to me Its Rating ,30++
 Its Raw and dirty 
For my cuties who is not interested in reading *** ignore and for the flow of the story I will abridge as ....
They had consummated ...

Her nipples was tickling his chest .. And he felt an instant arousal within five minutes when he felt the drop of sweat formed on her breast trailed along the nipples to his body , he lifted her light body up , she twitched her lips in complain ... He saw her shining body ... In the sweat ..which was no more in globules but wetting her whole body ...

He smiled at her ........ And grumbled .... It was awesome ......
She shied and hid her face in his chest ..hmmm  and started to nibble his nipples softly driving him crazy in her demand again...

She hugged him tight and she felt his hardness poking her belly ..she rise her head with wide expression of surprise ...he is hard again ..within five minutes .....!!
He understood the excited surprise in her eyes and cutely looked at her complaining ..and whispered so huskily ..You sexy  that ...makes me ..horny ...what to do ..
She whacked his chest ..
OOO ..he acted as if he hurt and she scared and looked what happened ...

He smiled ..and she started to pound on him ..pouting .

He smiled naughtily  Hmm Seems Mrs. Maan Singh Khurana not yet learned her lesson Yet  so My Sherni .. get ready  to be tamed ...time to teach you another lesson and he stood up ,and carried her ..ignoring her protest ..and whacking ...pouting headed to bed ...
See Our bed is waiting for us we need to Start Our Suhag Rath ..............she rolled her eyes ... Now Suhag Rath ..!!
And he slowly caressed the side of her curves with his thump , she felt like a dagger of tickle pass through her spine to her private parts ..she smiled the affect of his touches ,even looks , driving me mad insane in his desire., she smiled shyly. she hid her face his chest and started to kiss and play with the hair on his chest ...

........... After few seconds the cranky sound of the spring bed , by continuous heavy ramming can be heard outside .... Relentless .. Rhythmic .....


Amruth and Savitri rushed to bedroom , hearing loud sound of metal vases falling on ground .. Amruth who was all the way scared about Geet ‘enemies rushed ..signalling body guards to follow ..Savitri , confused , tried to stop Amruth but she too was worried with noise ...

And the both waited paused for a moment before knocking they understood  what was happening inside ., the heavy panting sounds with anklets and bangles ..jingling sound ... Whisperers ...soft moans .   Chee Chee ... Saas Bahu looked at each other and the deep red on their face .. .no they can’t see each other they turned ..

Their face got pale when they saw the Guards and Amruth immediately dismissed the body gourds who were smiling at each other ...

(akir vo bee Tho insan Hi Sab Body Gaurd lovely Singh Tho Nahee Hi na)

Savitri and Amruth can’t look at each other for a while , they kept wondering what’s happening inside but they can guess what’s it  but then ? !  their old elegant classy life style and aristocratic nature do not allowed them to think wild ..! the Uchal Puchal ye Kya Ho raha hi ? like Kids playing ?   !..but they can’t think deep’s their son and Bahu inside .. Both sit on Sofa and started to flip magazines or  tried to scroll through messages on phone .. It was sure none was paying attention on what they seems to do
Finally Savitri spoke .."Kal Ka Pooja Ka time we will change .. ..Inform the Pujaari . "
Amruth "yes Mummyji .I was about to tell u That " ,
Amruth was about to dial her secretaries number “What time should I tell Mummyji
Savitri murmured “Ab kab uska Aankh kal Khulenga ye mey kaisey bathaoo , ye tho Thuhmara Beta hee batha Saktha hi .” and said
Savitri “ 12 O clock Bathao ..Bahu becahri will be tired .”she paused corrected ,how  embarrassing ..”Aj whole day .guests ritual ..”  she corrected ,both don’t needed explanation still they blabber , better take leave , Morning Pooja at 12 ! ..Amruth shook her head and ..
They wished each other goodnight  and went back to their room , on their way back they both were smiling shyly

Savitri and Amruth were not only displeased with Son, But also with Bahu... will somebody believe that they got their Bahu all the time in their Home after wedding and still they had barely have any acquaintances with her! Savitri got really irritated when her kitty party friend asked about bahu like kya acha banati hai, kya pasand hai and all, they haven’t invited to Munh Dikhayee etc... Etc..., Savitri made excuse that they had all rituals at palace at Phulwadi so never thought about anything here at Delhi... Then they demanded to the minimum of a formal introduction party, which Savitri was continuously postponing for last one week, to have an introduction party they need Geet right, but Madam Ko kahan fursath milti hai... Ok… Maan keeps her busy, but Maan ki dor to uss hi ke hath mey hai na... why can’t she tell him to give a break... Savitri thought disappointedly...

Precap : L

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    أهم ما يميز شركات اتنظيف المنزل بالعين أنها تقدم كل ما يخص التنظيف وكل ما يحتاجه العملاء الكرام حيث أن الشركة تقدم خدمة تنظيف الكنب والمجالس بكفاءة عالية مستخدمة أجهزة بخار الماء كما أن الشركة تقوم بتقديم خدمة تنظيف السجاد وكافة أنواع المفروشات وليس هذا فقط بل أن أسعار الشركة من أرخص الأسعار الموجودة على الساحة لذلك بادر الآن للتعاون معنا لكي تقوم بالاستفادة من تخفيضات وعروض الشركة


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