Thursday, April 5, 2012

Episode 11 : Part 4

Part 4 of Episode 11 :
For Previous Chapters visit first page .
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Then she felt him stressing , pushing here even more madly ..and saying her name ..
Oh Khushi.. I ...Khushi .. '.
He raise little up ..and '''..
Just 2 minutes before she came back from her "unconscious state" according to her, and she was feeling pain after every return from the heavenly dizziness, then again his playful fingers make her forget about any pain that ever existed..Again she will be drawn mercilessly to the stream of ecstasy …The plight she was thoroughly enjoying ..
So when he stiffened inside her and after a while when he fell heavily on her completely collapsing ,after his release, she got afraid ..
What had happened to him …Abhee thak to Embarrassed shy shy …
He was panting , his sweaty forehead rested on hers and his breath was coming to normality .and his heartbeats mingling with her trying to find its solace ..
She waited thinking what happened to him , its not that she wanted him to do all over again the process , she was really tired ,she wanted some rest , but she loved him ,and she was just keeping up with his pace for she understood he wanted it,whatever he is doing to her he likes it extremely very much ..
Arey Ab Kya hua ….
He was laying still on her , his breaths and panting had come to a rest ..
Still ..she was too shy to ask him something because of the state she is in ..but ..then fear struck her ..her voice shivered
A ..A..Arn..Arnavji ..
He cutely smiled , his face was dig in her black beautiful hair laying around the pillow ..he was enjoying every bit of her scent ..
Hmm Hmm ..(asr’s very own husky voice ,,) nuzzling , without rising his head he responded.
Ap .ap .teek ..(are u ..o ..ok) Then she swallowed the words thinking about their teek-na teek (ok- not ok ..) discussion a little while ago.
She blushed , she tilted her face to other side , She cant see Arnv’s face ..still she felt too much flushed that she don’t want him to see hers ..
But then , again she recalled the other day ...Oh no ..i must act quickly ..
laaj sharam chodo khushi , lets shy some other day ..she thought
Ap ..Ap ko Kya hua … She asked promptly her voice shivering
What the ?Arnav rise his head
Then he looked totally confused at her, still doubting , but she had already turned her head otherside ..
What she meant by.. hmm she want to .... (Arnav made an "ooo" face rising his eyebrows ) ...Not Bad Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada , You expect me to .. he chuckled so softly ..wickedly
He admired her boldness … and little scared too , but he was confident that he can make it up …Wink
While he was admiring her and thinking all this (blunders LOL)..she was waiting for him to speak something , she did not get any reply .she in a jerk turned at his side …
Ap teek hi na ..Are you Ok .
He perplexed when he suddenly saw her beautiful face ,red , sweaty sexy ..
Huh ..humm he blabbered ..
She instantly sat , he almost choked seeing Her ! ..Well she was not at all aware of herself , she was just worried …for him want to take care of him , and she forgets herself when things come about him .
You don’t worry ..Humey Patha hi .i know. U don’t need to explain ..this time !
was there any other time with her ..Arnav thought shockingly , did i ever bhang or something ...NO... before he could get wild on his toughts he heard
Apki sugar down hogaya tha na..Your sugar is down right ?
She asked as if ..she proud of herself in her own analysys and interpretations .,LOL
Unbelievable ....Unbelievable ..damn ..How on earth I am going to explain … Did She Actually thought my sugar is down …?.. for my ....Embarrassed He looked at her shockingly , stared totally.. trying to read those innocent eyes .He shook his head in complete disbelief and rolled on his eyes and fell on his back ,Closing his eyes
And she took it as his getting dizzy..she got worried ..and .. Arnavji ..dont worry ,..dont worry ..she panicked ..and she almost sprang on him and reached the bedside table on his side .
And took a small box from it , and nonchalantly make herself comfortable on his lap putting her legs on either side , almost there .Shocked.and take a small sugar cube from it and put on his mouth , he stared all those emergency hussle buzzle and her immediate action , not to mention unbelievably sexy , and he opened his mouth ,took a bite ..when she offered.
And his eyes still fixed on her beautiful innocent face ! actually he do not dared to look down Embarrassed
That moments were not of Rabba Veys ..but was echoing with the What the’s ..
She was worried , curious , tensed ..she was watching his expressions and in tension she ate the rest of it .. the white sugar cube simply twirling with her toungue and the way it gets melted and vanished in her mouth was simply alluring ..and he sat if of some spell .slowly stretched ..his fingers just to touch her lips , to take the small bit of sugar cube that were left on her upperlips ..
He sat , with khushi still sitting on his lap putting her legs on either side ..
Arnav’s eyes widened .. well he realized he is already hardened ..within 5 minutes!
Khushi rejoiced , she innocently thought he is alright that’s why he sat , she cant hold on her happiness, her achievement ..her diagnosis and cure LOL
See I told you , You are ok now Right …Dekka ..
Arnav intensely looked in to her eyes ,
You really thought I was not OK ? not alright ?
Khushi frowned What does he mean , why he is asking that she did not had a single clue .. Why he is asking about that she "thought" ?? he was not alright , he almost fainted ..then what he meant by that i thought ....
the dimag (brain) he always declare that she did not have , felt suffocated ..
Ha .ha ...hum ..ha .she nodded , Ap teek nahee the na ..You were not ok ..your sugar was down ..ab ..sab teek hogaya ..
she dont know what to say , but she is a queen of blabbering and she did and she was happy with her blabbering ,and she swayed on either side enjoying the
happiness ,
Causing arnav to hold his breath , for second ..because of the extreme compromising postion they are in , already made his thoughts run wild ..really wild ....especially when she is sitting ...OMG ...she will faint out of embarrassment , if she had a clue of his thoughts , he wondered .but his face was still the expressionless .. ice masked .. she cant read his thoughts , all she figured out was he was not getting her point properly , she decided to explain
Ha ..Dont worry ..Now you are Ok ..Relax ...ok see ..pehley ..apkey ... .
..She hold on her mouth with her hands promptly, holding gulping the words she was about to say ,
if you feel its getting bored dont worry ...Big smile
ok one more part the consummation part ends ... 5 parts for 5 days .
5000 views on my thread since yesterday .and less than 40 likes , when i am sending more than 100 pms Cry..
what u all want me to end after this consummation part ...??
please show some encouragement friends ..Big smile i need it ..sucheee
and a lot of hugs and kisses for those who commented ...
love u ..really thanks a ton , and i really loved those wonderful comments .naughty funny cute .....and waiting to hear more from you..please dont stop commenting ..i almost replied all of you ..


  1. i think the readers are left with no words to explain, infact lost for words. so dont worry, if you dint get any comments. I am pretty sure everyone who have read this have enjoyed to the core and still dreaming......totally forgot to reply u....
    you are too good read. i like the way you sensitively handle these things..... well written,

  2. thank you anonymous . everybody says this i got similar kind of comment in india forum ... but i like comments yar ... no need to wah wah ..but just say some parts and what they feel and i can what i say relive dream that moment .what they said ..thats it .. i will get bore na . only updating chatting watting nothing .thats why i beg for commnets and ofcourse criticism contructive type also welcome .and if u point out the logical errors i will be extremely happy ...
    i love to be corrected

  3. oh sweet of you......... hardly i have read comments like these from authors...."constructive criticism, readers outputs thoughts......" etc
    one thing for sure, you will reach to great heights, thats for sure.
    i dont know what to say now, i just loved reading your blog on unconditional love.... i dint find any errors dear to point out .... if it was so well written, whats the point and where can i find error .... so to say i dint find any weak links atleast in this segment .....
    in future,while i read and if i come across any weak segments or portrayal, definetely i will point out. But at the moment enjoy all the attention u r getting..... goo girl.........
    love, wishes, blessings from Melbourne........

  4. Ha me author ..uff ..flattering ... Thank You
    from Melbourne ..ok aussie ..thank you very much ..


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