Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Chapter 4.UnConscious Confessions

Chapter 4 : UnConscious Confessions
11 October 2011
( thanks cindy for title suggestion)
Khushi's name draw lines of pain agony in Arnavs face …
Then Geet noted her at the other end , Khushi confused and crying and Robindo trying to say something cheer up which all going in vain .. Geet reached there and slapped Robindo ..and gritted and barked "Give it to your Maan .."

Shocked Robindo holding his cheeks stared …while Geet hold Khushi's hands and stormed out ..dragging her ………angry … frustrated ..and ..and aroused …..

He cant believe , he cant believe the girl with whom he shared his first kiss ..and almost sex .. He chuckled on that thought .. But now … he never believed what Arnav said .. Even today he did not missed the sight of sweat shining above her upper lips

He opened the booth door and straight in front of Arnav .  Arnav gave a lop sided smile , and looking at Maan's face straight ..he dragged Meera's hands who was leaning behind the booth lost with tears in eyes ,

Meera shocked to see Arnav , he gritted his teeth and asked "Why did you tell Mama that I am not coming to college past one month ..i told u never interfere …in my business ".His hold on her was so tight and she started to whimper , it was not the physical pain but the pain seeing Maan and Geet together .. She just want to let her pain out and arnav's anger just gave her a chance ..

Maan hold Arnav's hands ..  Arnav spited " you don’t interfere in my family business.."
Maan "even  if it is in your home I wont let you hurt Meera …Get off her Arnav.."
Arnav " Haath Chod ….Maan .." his face got wilder ..
Meera pulled Arnav .."Oh Stop Arnie … Stop both of you …." She cried louder and sat on floor …

Arnav understood his sisters pain ..not because of his physical abuse after all they were together from the moment they existed ..,( they are twins )

Arnav instantly cooled down even though they fight a lot really a lot .he cant see her pain ..He lifter her holding her shoulders hugging , and she cried her heart out ..leaning to him.." Ok Ok ..let go home…ok ..come" gave a deathly look to Maan , because Arnav knows if Meera in pain then it is Maan ….Maan only .. He Hate Maan for that ….

Maan tried to interfere … as usual as ever he never seen Meera's feeling thought its because of Arnav .. He tried to stop  Robindo stopped …and pulled him back …

"Oho Maan …Vo bhai hi Uski ….Comeon.."
Maan " I am also a brother I will never .."
Robindo " uff … How would I explain ..Not everybody is Some Maan Singh Khurana .., ye dekho…ye ."… he opened his shirt little showed bite mark …
Maan whistled Oooooo… Eyed adi …."Adi and Pinky too Shocke d…

Aadi shivered and straightened .."Congrats yar …Patted On his shoulder .whose the lucky no ..stupid girl ."
Robindo coldly .."Thani .."

Aadi "Yuck ..You Kuthey kameeney How could u with …U said she sister .. Yuckk…"
Maan too got furious …Instantly hold robindos collar .."

Robindo .." Oh chill guys … see anybody will doubt like that …Yest she is my sister only than would be babi ..yesterday ..i just caught her wearing Anu Bhayyas shirt and checking out herself ..i just teased … for that ….Look Maan ..you ofcourse have a sister ..now she is an  angel ..just wait her grow up ..like any other girl she too will become a super devil ..then ..u know…"  Both Maan and aadi nodded in agreement ..

The super devil comment agitated  Pinky ..she slapped Robindo … and gone to class ..
Maan from behind " Pinky ..I said nothig ..Please party meim Zaroor aana .."
Pinky without turning back "OK Maan ..Aadi U Don’t come to pick me ..me Super Devil .."

Aadi now understood and …ran behind ..
Maan and Robindo laughed ..

Robindo to himself .."aaj Din Mera Bada Suhana hi..Kithnee aur Ladkiyon se ..chata milengee…"
Maan putting hands in his shoulder ."ha yar ..mey hamesha poochna chahtha tha ..why all girls like your gaal this much.."
Robindo ." may be its so sexy.." Robindo praised himself turned his face up ..looking far in to sky said ..
Maan" Oyee merey sexy …." pulling his cheeks..and kissed him

The passing lecture Mr.Tripadi gave them a weird look and both understood what its meant ..both said ..

" good Morning Sir "

And they gone out ..
Tripadi " Shaking his head …, " What a waste ..jab log colleeg athey hi ye shahabjyadey ..bahar ka rastha … and ..chee chee .." irritated face .he went to class.


Knock knock…

"Khushi kumari guptha ..Thuhme Ghar se Phone hi… .Jaldee Aao."

Khushi was laying tired .. She find it really sore between her legs … Geet was really angry ..uncontrollably ..She looked now peacefully sleeping Geet , like a baby .. She heard knock again .. She instantly got up ..looked watch its 4 pm .. When she closed her eyes she don’t remember ..

"Khushee …"

"Ha aathe hoon.."

Khushi ..tried to dress up ..then she said .." Tell them to call on Geet's mobile ..or call me after 10 minutes …." I am taking bath …

The lady helper calling Khushi ..made a face and told what khushi told

Anjali Khushi's sister was worried . She was trying her from morning as soon as she got call from Suhasini Devi ..Maan's Mother .. Both Geet and Khushi was not picking Shyam her husband too was on business tour ..

Anjali "Where were you .. Geet ne bhee phone nahee utaya .."
Khushi .." me now sleeping .."
Anjali" Aaj Class Kyun Nahee gayee"
Khushi"..Ji Ji ..Aaj Padna tha .me Geet was doing combine study then ag lag gayee .., Deedi sab teek hi na…"
Anjali" Ha ha .. Suhasini Deviji called ..aj Unkee Beti ki birthday hi ..aaj ..Hum Sab ko bulaya hi… Lekin thumari jeeju bhee nahee nad I will not go such parties too na… you should go .."
Khushi" But deedi .."
Anjali "You should go ..geet ko lekey chal na.. Nahee tho Thuhmaree Jeeju ko beju ..vo site pe gaye hi ..Unka phone nahee lag raha hi..aur meim kaise ye pair leky ithney door …. Jeeju ko phone lagthey he..meim une bej doongi.."
Going with Shyam is the Last thing Khushi wanted …
She firmly said .." I will come with Geet .."
Anjali " Thum Apna Khayal Rakhna … Ghar kab aa rahey hi thuhmara Jeeju bhee pooch rahey they .."
Khushi" Deedi will call u back .. Battery down ..ok bye .."

She cut the hall , She missed her sister ..her sister without using either Shyamji or Jeeju with every second sentence …

Her eyes filled up .. She shook her head and get in to bed hugging Geet tightly .. Nuzzling to her neck …
Geet Chuckled in sleep … "maan .."
Khushi stopped and furiously looked Geet , her face changed ..then without giving up she took Geet's lips in .. Geet snapped open her eyes … Spoke in to Khushi's mouth what happened sweet heart ??'


  1. U Made Geet and Khushi Lesbos .. Crazy U

  2. hey Magicia...now I suspect Geet is lesbian...
    she is taking Maan's name in sleep...

  3. Thank You @thushti-Kiran For comment ...
    U meant Not Lesbian Right ???

    U will soon know ...

  4. Hope geet acts like a normal girl nit like a lesbian.


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